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Online Resources and Programs

General Information

General Information


We invite you to join us as members of the Safe Homes of Chatham County. As a Safe Homes participant, you are pledging to create a healthy community one house at a time. To take the pledge, follow the Safe Homes link. Help create a  healthy home and community.

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Substance Use Resources

If you or someone you know has a problem with substances such as alcohol, prescription drugs, and/or other drugs, there are many national, state, and local resources available to help. If you think your drug and alcohol use has gotten out of control, or if you have tried to quit and have not been able to, you are not alone and there are resources available to help listed below.

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Mental Health Resources

Just like physical health issues such as diabetes or hypertension, a person’s mental health can be managed and maintained with the right treatment with a trained and qualified professional.  Help is available for those who may be experiencing a mental health problem. Many national and local resources are included. 


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Youth Mental Health Resources

Find mental health help near you.  It’s part of a nationwide trend: America’s youth are feeling depressed and anxious at a rate higher than the country has ever seen, and Chatham is part of that trend.  Find mental health resources specifically for youth here.




Parents Toll-free Help Line: 1-855-DRUGFREE is a bilingual support service that offers assistance to parents and other primary caregivers of children who want to talk to someone about their child's drug use and drinking. This is a free service through the Partnership at

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Al‑Anon is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking.


Alateen, a part of the Al-Anon Family Groups, is a fellowship of young people (mostly teenagers) whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking whether they are in your life drinking or not.

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Welcome to the Our Primary Purpose Area of Narcotics Anonymous.  This website is intended to provide information regarding the homegroups, fellowship, and area service committee in Orange and North Chatham Counties in North Carolina.




Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. This is a great resource for finding up-to-date information on  alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. 

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The Chatham Health Alliance is a collaborative of local professionals and residents working together to improve health in Chatham County. The Alliance brings together both traditional and nontraditional partners together to work on issues affecting health in Chatham County, with a focus on the health priorities identified in the Community Health Assessment.


The Chatham Health Alliance Access to Mental Health Subcommittee has created a Mental Health Resources Page for easy access to mental health services.                


The Chatham Health Alliance Access to Mental Health Subcommittee has created a Substance Use Resources Page for easy access to substance abuse services.


The Chatham Health Alliance Access to Mental Health Subcommittee has created a Youth mental health resources for easy access to youth mental health resources.


The Chatham Community Resource Hub is a mobile, co-located effort of many Chatham Health Alliance partner agencies. The Hub has events all over Chatham County to safety provide community members with FREE resources. Resources you will find at a Hub event include: meals from the Interfaith Food Shuttle, masks to protect our community during the pandemic, medication lock boxes to safely store medications in your home, medication disposal kits to dispose of unwanted medications, COVID-19 vaccines and information, car seat inspections and installation to keep your children safe, 4-H learning kits for fun and educational activities, and more!

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Good Samaritan laws are intended to protect people who provide assistance to someone who is ill or incapacitated. Our current law was written to encourage people to call for help when they see someone overdosing.


The Coalition is proposing key enhancements to our Good Samaritan law that will encourage people to call for assistance without fear of penalty.

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Common Sense Media is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century.



The North Carolina Preventing Underage Drinking Initiative (NC-PUDI) implements environmental management strategies to help enforce the nation's underage drinking laws. Preventing Underage Drinking Initiative-funded collaboratives work within their communities to implement strategies that prevent underage drinking, and create a sustainable 


Why is PREVENTION the answer?

Because Prevention WORKS!
North Carolina strives to provide all Prevention Professionals with the best training and tools for “effective prevention programs” and strategies because we know that helping just one high-risk youth graduate from high school, avoid heavy drug use, and not engage in crime would create a healthier youth


The Prevention Coalition is an informational site designed to educate parents, teachers, and concerned community members about teen drug use and ways to prevent it.  The Prevention Coalition was founded by a group of retired school counselors and therapists to provide an accessible drug use and abuse prevention resource for parents, teachers, counselors and other concerned adults.


Prevention Action Alliance:  A public awareness program educating communities and parents about the health and safety risks of serving alcohol at teen parties. This program encourages parents and the ENTIRE community to send a unified message that teen alcohol consumption is unhealthy, unsafe and unacceptable.


Children’s Safety Network is dedicated to creating an environment where all children and youth are safe and healthy. They work to reduce injury, hospitalization, disability and death for all children and youth. Their goal is to equip states and territories to strengthen their capacity, utilize data and implement effective strategies to create injury and violence free environments.


North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition (NCHRC) is a statewide grassroots organization dedicated to the implementation of harm reduction interventions, public health strategies, drug policy transformation, and justice reform in North Carolina.

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Natural High is a drug prevention nonprofit that inspires and empowers youth to find their natural high and develop the skills and courage to live life well.




QuitlineNC provides free cessation services to any North Carolina resident who needs help quitting tobacco use. Quit Coaching is available in different forms, which can be used separately or together, to help any tobacco user give up tobacco. 


Youth Tobacco Prevention

Despite major progress made in the last fifty years, tobacco use among youth remains a major concern. While youth cigarette use is in historic decline, there has been a recent uptake in emerging tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes (e-cigs), flavored tobacco, and dissolvable smokeless tobacco.


Youth Tobacco and Vaping Cessation Resources

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Vaping Prevention Resource

Our mission is to empower communities with the resources and information they need to communicate with the public about health issues caused by vaping. Our online information hub provides free media materials to distribute to communities, equips changemakers with the resources they need to advocate for policy change, and enables researchers to identify and study evidence-based vaping prevention communication.


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NCFASDInformed The mission of our all volunteer, grassroots, nonprofit organization is to create FASD informed communities to empower individuals impacted by prenatal exposure to alcohol. Our vision: a world where individuals with FASD can thrive!


The North Carolina Preventing Underage Drinking Initiative (NC-PUDI) implements environmental management strategies to help enforce the nation's underage drinking laws. Preventing Underage Drinking Initiative-funded collaboratives work within their communities to implement strategies that prevent underage drinking, and create a sustainable 


Talk it Out

Start the Conversation - Stop Underage Drinking

There are proven methods every family can use to educate, to set boundaries, and to create the kinds of relationships that keep middle school kids from turning to alcohol in the first place.  It's up to each of us to talk to our kids.  And all of us to say enough is enough. There are proven methods every family can use to educate, to set boundaries, and to create the kinds of relationships that keep middle school kids from turning to alcohol in the first place. It’s up to each of us to talk to our kids. And all of us to say enough is enough. - See more at:

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Talk it Up Lock it Up

Don’t let your house be the neighborhood liquor store. Talk to the youth in your life about the harmful effects of underage drinking and secure and monitor alcohol in your home.

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Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.


Find Local Meetings in Chatham Area


Young People Meetings


24/7 Help Hotline: 919-286-9499


Considered a crisis situation in the United States, excessive drinking and binge drinking are problems that require serious attention. The detrimental effect it has on public safety is more than worthy of all the effort necessary to not only reduce it but eradicate it. To learn more, click on the link to view the Infographic created by the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Online Master of Science in Health Informatics.

Prescription Medicine/Opioids

Prescription Medicine
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Partnership to End Addiction

Working to reduce substance abuse among adolescents by supporting families and engaging with teens.

Live Chatline - 1-855-378-4373                                                                                                              

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Separate the myths from the facts. Developed by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, a trusted authority on addiction research.

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Learn how to protect your teenager’s life, health, and future in only 15 minutes.  Dr. John Knight is the founder and director of the Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research (CeASAR) at Children’s Hospital Boston and an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.


Lock Your Meds® is a national campaign designed to reduce prescription drug abuse. Produced by National Family Partnership® (NFP), the campaign seeks to make adults aware of their potential to become “unwitting suppliers” to those who would abuse their prescription medications.




NIDA – National Institute on Drug Abuse

NIDA For Parents

NIDA For Teens


The Medicine Abuse Project. Together, parents and other caretakers, health care providers, community leaders, and educators can all make a difference and end medicine abuse.  Join our action campaign to learn how to safeguard your family and community from the devastation of heroin and other opiates and the abuse of prescription and over-the-counter medications.


Solid Waste & Recycling Calendar

The Solid Waste and Recycling Calendar shows dates and details for events such as

  • Main Facility and Collection Center closings

  • Household Hazardous Waste Collection

  • Mulch Sales

  • Special events, like Earth Day

  • Meetings


The National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators (NADDI) has launched a program designed to significantly reduce the prescription drugs in American homes that are either no longer needed or outdated.  NADDI has developed this web page to provide the locations of law enforcement sites that are accepting prescription drugs throughout the United States.

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Fentanyl Victims Network of North Carolina

Stronger Together! Grassroots campaign against illicit fentanyl in NC.  FENTVIC is a nonprofit dedicated to building a statewide grassroots advocacy network for illicit fentanyl victims in all 100 NC counties. Public Safety for All. Justice for Fentanyl Victims. No one stands alone in NC!

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We lost our amazing son, Matthew Thomas, at 20 years of age to illicit fentanyl poisoning. He was deceived into taking what he thought was a Percocet and died moments later on the morning of 07/25/2020. We are committed to preventing other young adults from suffering this same fate through education and community awareness events.


The CDC Rx Awareness campaign tells the real stories of people whose lives were torn apart by prescription opioids. The goal of the campaign is to increase awareness that prescription opioids can be addictive and dangerous.



Information from the Drug Enforcement Administration.

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Chatham County Opioid Settlement Funding

In 2022, Chatham County began receiving over $5 million in settlement funds from opioid pharmaceutical and distribution companies. This award will be disbursed in installments until 2038. The funds are being used to address the ongoing opioid crisis and support treatment, recovery, harm reduction, and other life-saving services.





The SAMHSA Treatment Locator allows users to search for mental health or substance use treatment alternatives through a variety of filters.

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Vaya Health is a public managed care organization (MCO) that prioritizes whole-person health. We manage Medicaid, federal, state, and local funding to connect the people we serve to health care services and supports.




Daymark Recovery Services is a non-profit organization established to provide comprehensive behavioral healthcare services as defined by those in the community in need of mental health or substance abuse treatment options.

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Find Treatment Now.  Substance use treatment is a lifeline that helps individuals rediscover themselves, reconnect with loved ones, and find lasting hope.  Seek reputable, accredited treatment providers. Your recovery deserves ethical, quality care.

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Horizons insures that each pregnant woman who seeks or is referred for and would benefit from substance use disorder services is given preference in admission to our program.

Horizons staff members are available to speak with any woman to see what level of treatment will work for her. Horizons offers both residential and outpatient services, as well as prenatal/postpartum care and psychiatry services.

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Monarch Chatham County provides:


Behavioral Health Outpatient Services

Mobile Crisis Management Services

Mobile Outreach Response Engagement Stabilization

    (MORES) Program

Tailored Care Management Services


Drug Watch. Prescription drug addiction is a disease of the brain, and people suffering from it require medical treatment to be cured. Millions of Americans suffer from substance abuse disorders involving prescription drugs. The side effects of abusing the drugs can be severe and life-threatening. Fortunately, treatment is available for addictions to some of the most addictive drugs like opioids


Shatterproof is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the devastation that addiction causes families.  "We will build a national organization that will treat addiction like the chronic disease that it is, offering evidence-based and tangible resources for prevention, treatment and recovery.  It will foster tolerance and compassion, and to dismantle the discrimination and judgment associated with this non-discriminating and devastating disease" - Gary Mendell



SMART Recovery (Self Management And Recovery Training) is a non-profit organization that offers free behavioral science-based mutual support groups for abstaining from any substance or addictive behavior.  SMART Recovery helps people recover from many types of addictions, including alcohol, drugs, gambling, online gaming, and more.


George Greger-Holt


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